Play 3DO homebrew games or demo discs in your browser
- Emulator js is an amazingly clever library to configure and run retro games in a web version of retroarch which plays in your browser.
I have configured this to use 3DO Opera and written some PHP to allow game selection.
- Best played on a PC with an Xbox type controller.
- Choose a game or demo from the drop down and it will then be queued up in the player interface below.
Tempest is the default game.
- Press the Play Game button and the chosen game or demo will then download within about 2-10 minutes depending on connection speed
The game will then decompress into the player window.
Note: some of the official demos are about 500MB - so will take a few minutes for sure.
- At 99% the BIOS will load and then there will be a short pause and then the game/demo should display.
- Once loaded your mouse interaction will let you see a menu along the bottom allowing fullscreen, shaders, saving and many other options.
- Playing on a mobile is not recommended as the file sizes are probably too large and the mobile browser will stall or crash.
- If you get NETWORK ERROR - then close the browser and try again.
Select a game or demo to play